Software Freedom Day Ecuador 2020
I made the exhibition “Characterization of rocket motors using Arduino and Python” at “Software Freedom Day 2020 Ecuador”
Click here to see the conference
XVII Linux Week UD
I participated as a speaker with two presentations, the first titled *“Real-time monitoring interface for picosatellites and model rockets”*and the second “Characterization of rocket motors using Arduino and Python” in the XVII Linux Week UD of the GNU Linux group of the District University.
Click here to watch the conference
V International Meeting ReLaCa ESPACIO
A presentation was made virtually at the V International Meeting of the Network Latin American and Caribbean Space - ReLaCa ESPACIO, in which the real-time data visualization software for picosatellites CanSat type and model rockets.
Click here to watch the conference
Red Colsi Node Bogotá 2019
Original name “Practical Application of Aerospace Engineering through the construction of a CanSat prototype and Model Rockets for the measurement of atmospheric factors”.
This was the first talk I’ve done to the general public, I presented the first version of the model rocket POA at the Autonomous University of Colombia (Autonomous University of Colombia). I presented this poster
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