Blockchain and information privacy
I participated as a speaker in the 10 Internet Governance Forum giving a workshop in which i aim to provide an overview on how the use of blockchain networks can reveal detailed information about people’s financial movements, platforms, and habits. In addition, strategies for converting transactions that are pseudo-anonymous to completely anonymous will be explored. Finally, an analysis will be carried out of the relevance of the policies currently implemented and those pending implementation with regard to the governance of these assets and the prevention of their use in criminal activities and the consequences of these.
UxTIC 2023
I partitcipated in the debate “Crypto assets, anonymous cryptocurrencies and digital finance” within the the Blockchain and Cryptoactives 2023s1 course organized by CoinEx and UxTIC in collaboration with the Francisco José de Caldas District University, the Tres Culturas University, the Minuto de Dios University Corporation and the Javeriana University of Cali. Click here to see the video
I had the honor of being invited to give a conference in the YOUNG EMBDATA 2021, in which I gave the talk *“Advances in aerospace technology of the LIDER group”. The EMB Data event is one of the most important in the region.
Watch the promotional video here
XVIII Linux Week UD
I participated as a speaker with the presentation titled “Using satellites with software-defined radios” in the Linux Week UD XVIII of the GNU Linux group of the District University.
Click here to watch the conference.
FLISOL Ecuador 2021
I made the exhibition “Software Defined Radios: History and demonstration of its uso” at the 17th Latin American Festival of Free Software Installation, which can be seen at the following link.
VIII Research Meeting - UDistrital
I presented the paper “Development of CanSat-type picosatellites for teaching dy application of fundamentals of physics” at the VII Research Meeting of the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the Francisco José de Caldas.
It is expected that the submitted article will appear published in the memory book of the event.