Recent Experience
Software Engineer - OFEX
In my role, I handle both Software Engineering and DevOps duties. My main responsibility is leading the development of cutting-edge software solutions designed to automate processes for server infrastructure and personnel operations.
Achievements I Enhanced the infrastructure with microservices based solutions, using Docker to manage multiple applications in Python, Javascript and PHP; Nginx as a reverse proxy, as a result we managed to reach more than 10000 users. I performed technical reviews of a nationally impactful software as part of a project valued at nearly $1 million dollars, aimed at making informed design decisions, identifying software flaws, and assessing potential cyber risk scenarios.
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Slimy Fortune
I joined a team working on a web-based video game in Unity, primarily focusing on environmental artistry and game development. My responsibilities centered around crafting the terrain and spawning objects within it, as well as enhancing the character’s interactions with the environment. Dive into the game and experience it for yourself!
What is it about? In “Slimy Fortune” you will immerse yourself in an exciting adventure of evolution with our protagonist, Slimy.
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Rolling the Coconut
I played a role in creating a fun race video game using Unity, working as a game developer. My tasks included shaping how the player moves, setting up the camera to follow the action, and assisting with the character AI to navigate the race tracks smoothly. Give the game a try by clicking here!
What is it about? Our game transports you to the free and relaxed atmosphere of the sunny beaches, where our protagonist, the coconut Lowin Coconut, is born.
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IT Contractor - National Institue of Health
This position bore similarities to that of a Site Reliability Engineer, where my responsibilities encompassed the deployment and management of both Linux and Windows servers throughout the platform migration process. This was part of deployment and migration of an e-learning platform known as evigiaula.
Achievements I deployed the platform on a Windows Server with IIS, MariaDB and PHP to support 1000+ concurrent users. I deployed the platform on a Linux server with Docker, managing MySQL, MariaDB and Apache containers for development and testing for a team of 10+ people.
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IT Contractor - SKG Technologies
I was part of a team that develops API interfaces for smart cities sensors located in the city of Bogotá.
Achievements I Created PostgreSQL database models, architecture and use cases for 4 subsystems written in Python. I documented 3 information systems and APIs for smart city solutions, using Flask and PostgreSQL. What is SKG? SKG Technologies is a software company that develops software solutions fot smart cities using IoT devices.
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Web-app prediction of admission to the University
Predict admission to the District University This application has different machine learning models to predict the chances that a student has to enter the University Dsitrital FJC based on your ICFES test result.
The application is capable of predicting the probabilities for 5 engineering college majors, and it achieves this through machine learning that is trained from historical admissions data.
Click here to go to the application
The application has managed to have an excellent reception by the student community on social networks, achieving more than 1000 reactions the idea publication post.
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POA model rocket
The Pillar of Autumn (POA) model rocket is the first project developed by the research hotbed, and is still in development.
What is the project about? Make a model rocket that flies 100 meters which allows us to test
Electronics: Test electronic system for the transmission of information in real time Software: Received data display software Parachute: Test free fall detection system and activate parachute Engine: Test engine operation and validate it with respect to static tests Overview of the rocket Flight computer More information about the flight computer code can be found here Simulations Engine tests Video of static tests Software This software was made for taking and analyzing time series data to determine the thrust curve of the rocket.
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Compact mushroom growing system with built-in irrigation on a small scale
The “Small-scale compact mushroom cultivation system with built-in irrigation” (A.K.A: mushroom-machine) is a proposal with which we won the UN Robot 2020 innovation challenge. It consists of a semi-automatic mushroom cultivation machine designed for People living in war zones.
Problem Statement Malnutrition problems worldwide are one of the biggest problems of humanity, many times caused by limitations that individuals have to obtain nutritious and low-cost food in adverse conditions such as armed conflict, climate, poverty, among other things.
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This is the “CanSat” picosatellite presented by my ATL seedbed team, with which we obtained position #14 in the competition (close to 200 initial teams).
What is it about? The objective is the design of a picosatellite that meets the requirements set forth in the Ibero-American competition of canned satellites of the UNAM. The idea is that this satellite is raised in a drone to 400 meters above ground level and then released.
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IT Support Technician - RITA
As a Support Technician, my primary duties involved resolving, monitoring, and maintaining computers, networks, and web pages according to assigned tickets.
Achievements Provided technology consulting services and dissemination of results to more than 15 research projects. Resolved more than 50 technical support requests related to servers, monitoring with Zabbix, web and desktop applications, improving operational efficiency and business continuity. What is RITA? RITA (Red de Investigaciones de Tecnología Avanzada) is a public entity that provides specialized services for the execution of projects and scientific innovation.
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